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CapeSoft File Explorer feHtmlEditor

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File Explorer Classes - feEditor

Getting Started (Important)

  1. If you have not done so already, you must add the FileExplorer global extension template to your application.
  2. Go to the window procedure on which to place the editor control, and open the window formatter for the window.
  3. From the control templates, select DocumentViewer from the FileExplorer tree and place the single panel control on the window.

    Because this is the same control as the DocumentViewer, you're probably not want the Path, entry and file lookup button controls, which you can remove.
  4. Right-click and select Actions. Then uncheck Html Browsing, and check the Html Editing (feEditor) checkbox.

  5. NOTE: You must copy the required Editor Files from the clarion\accessory\libsrc\win\FileExplorer Editor Files into your application's data directory (see the Distribution section below).
  6. Note: You cannot call code that uses the editor before the EditorReady() callback method has been called. Use the EditorReady method to execute any code that should run when the editor has finished initializing. This is by far the most frequent problem that people have using the editor. Add any code after the parent call.
Tip: The new editor contains a built in toolbar, you don't need to populate the additional toolbar that the old editor required. This toolbar can be customized (see Customizing the editor and toolbar).

The feEditor class is new in FileExplorer 5 and replaces the (now deprecated) feHtmlEditor class. As much as possible this class maintains backwards compatibility with the existing class, so all the old methods should continue to work. In the Beta version of FileExplorer 5 not all backward compatibility is complete, so a number of the old method may have issues. If you find a method that is not working as expected please report it to us.

The documentation for the old feHtmlEditor class is still available.


Important: The FeEditor requires that you ship the various Editor files with your application. Place these in the Data directory of your application by default. these files can be found in one of the following locations;

\Examples\FileExplorer\Editor Files
\Clarion9\Accessory\Libsrc\Win\FileExplorer Editor Files
\Clarion8\Accessory\Libsrc\Win\FileExplorer Editor Files
\Clarion7\Accessory\Libsrc\Win\FileExplorer Editor Files
\Clarion6\3rdparty\Libsrc\FileExplorer Editor Files

By default File Explorer will look for these files in the "current folder" when your application runs.
you can also set a specific location for the files by using the  feEditor.editorPath property. If you set this before the call to  feEditor.Init() then it will use the path you specify.

Be sure to copy both the feeditor.html file and the feeditor subfolder. Both are required for the HTML editor to work properly.

File Explorer ships with a "complete" editor, including all the functionality and languages offered by the CKEditor product. Advanced users may prefer to build their own set of files using the CK Builder online tool. This is especially true if you want to reduce the plugins, or languages being used. If you do create your own download then the following items will be of interest;

The feeditor.html file contains the name of the skin being used. If your download includes different skins then make sure the feeditor.html file contains a valid skin name.

The feeditor\plugins\image\dialogs\image.js file has been customized in File Explorer, and it should be used in place of the one you download.

the feeditor\open.gif file is added by File Explorer. It won't be in your download, but don't delete the existing file.

Customizing the Editor and Toolbar

The editor provides a great deal of flexibility, and is simple to customize.

How to Change the order (or hide) buttons in the toolbar

This is done in the feeditor.html file.
Open the feeditor.html file in a text (or html) editor. The section that you're after is this one:

toolbar :
['Open','Save','NewPage','Source', 'Preview','-','Templates'],
['SelectAll','RemoveFormat', 'ShowBlocks']

This displays as:

You will notice that each button is encapsulated in single quotes, so the Open button is first with 'Open'. To remove the NewPage button, simply remove it from the list as follows:

['Open','Save','Source', 'Preview','-','Templates'],

Now our toolbar will be missing the NewPage button:

To split the toolbar into an additional row, simply add the '/' in the correct place:


To use the full toolbar, change:

toolbar :


other_toolbar :

And change:

full_toolbar :


toolbar :

You will then be able to use all the toolbar buttons available in the CKEditor:

How to change the menu

The Editor menu is included in your application, and can be edited like a normal Clarion menu:

through the window formatter.

Similarly, to change the file | Save As file types, you can change this in the filedialog in the source code. So if you want to remove the EML and MHT options, simply do so as follows:

 if FileDialog('Save File As..', fileName, 'Web Page (HTML)|*.htm;*.html|Text Only|*.txt', File:Save + File:LongName + 080H)

Additional ways to change the Initial Editor Settings

All the settings for the editor are defined in the feeditor.html file (this is found in the examples\FileExplorer\Editor Files folder). This makes customizing the editor, adding plugins, modifying the toolbar and so on as simple and self contained as possible.

In CKEDITOR.replace() all the settings are defined, and can be modified as needed. In the example below we are going to add a setting to cause the toolbar to display as collapsed rather than expanded when the editor starts up.

Each setting is made up of the setting name, a colon, and the value for the setting, such as:

extraPlugins: 'Open',

Where extraPlugin is the name of the setting and the value is "Open". For strings the setting is enclosed in single or double quotes, for booleans and number values no quotation marks are needed. For settings that take an array of values, the values are separated by commas, and the array is started and ended with a square bracket (see the contentCss option below).

In our example below, we add the toolbarStartupExpanded option to the existing options:
customConfig : '', // Ensure no external config file is load. All customization is done here
extraPlugins: 'Open',
// Add all custom plugins to this list (comma separated string)
skin: 'moono',
toolbarStartupExpanded: false
// Add this option to change the toolbar initial state

Just add the comma after the last setting, and then add your own settings. You can add as many as you like, they are just comma separated. NOTE: Make sure you don't use a space though, just a comma when using multiple plugins.

Useful editor settings and customization options

Directly below the currently used setting there is a section that is commented out that contains a variety of other useful settings that you can enabled:

baseHref: './',
contentsCss: ['/css/mysitestyles.css', '/css/anotherfile.css'],
fullPage: true,
// Whether a full page is being edited, or an HTML snippet
newpage_html: '<p>Type your text here.</p>',
// initial HTML
shiftEnterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_P,
startupMode: 'source',
startupOutlineBlocks = true,
tabIndex = 1,
tabSpaces = 4,
templates = 'my_templates',
templates_files =
theme: 'default',
templates_replaceContent: false,
// or true
toolbarCanCollapse: false,
// or true
toolbarStartupExpanded: true,
// or false
toolbarLocation: 'top',
// or 'bottom' 'left' 'right'
undoStackSize: 50,
//number of undos

Toolbars and toolbar customization

The feeditor.html file contains three toolbars, which are named:


Any toolbar named "toolbar" will be used as the default, and the others will be ignored. You can add as many toolbars as you like, as simply renamed the one that you wish to enable, "toolbar", and name the others anything that you prefer.

For example you can switch between the standard toolbar and one of the others simply by renaming the toolbar that you want to use to "toolbar", and the changing the one that was previously used to "_toolbar", or anything else for that matter. You can fully customize these toolbars as you need. The format for the toolbars is very simple:
  1. Each button name is wrapped in single quotes
  2. Buttons are separated by commas
  3. Each set of buttons is an array, wrapped by squared brackets. Each array has a comma before the next one
  4. You can add a divider between buttons using '-' as an entry in the button list.
  5. You can split rows on the toolbar by adding '/' between the array entries.
The main toolbar is a good example:

    toolbar :
     ['Open','Save','NewPage','Source', 'Preview','-','Templates'],
     ['SelectAll','RemoveFormat', 'ShowBlocks']

You can move and arrange buttons as needed, for example the minimal toolbar has most buttons removed, and the rest merged into a four groups on one line:

    min_toolbar :
     ['Undo','Redo', '-', 'Bold','Italic','Underline'],
     ['Format','Font','FontSize', '-', 'TextColor','BGColor'],

The toolbars themselves are actually part of a comma separated list of options, hence they end with a comma before the next setting.

The "Open" button is an example of how simple it is to add you own buttons and "plugins":
  1. Add a new button to the toolbar
  2. In the extraPlugins setting just below the toolbar add the name of your button (again, this is just a comma separated list of plugins, no spaces). So Open would become: Open,MyPlugin,SpecialButton, and so on.
  3. Find the Custom Plugins section further down in the file. This is where we add the logic for the plugin.
  4. There are two sections:
    • The call to CKEDITOR.plugins.add(), which adds the plugin and;
    • The callback (event handler) function (open_onclick(e) in the case of the Open button, which can be named anything that you prefer).
  5. By default you don't need to add any code to the callback (event handler) at all. FileExplorer will automatically call the TakeEvent method with the name of the button that was pressed (the PreTakeEvent method will also be called before the JS code executes). To test for your new plugin event, test the evt string with the name of the plugin - and in that case statement, call your clarion procedure (or perform the function you require).
  6. You can call your button/plugin simply by passing the feEditor.CallCommand() method the name of your plugin.
For example, let's add a plugin called "Widget".

Add Our toolbar button by adding

// Custom Widget button
    var cmd = a.addCommand('Widget', {exec:widget_onclick})
    cmd.modes = {wysiwyg:1, source:1}
    cmd.canUndo = false
    a.ui.addButton('Open',{ label:'Run a Widget...',command:'Widget',icon:'Widget.gif' }) 

function widget_onclick(e){
// No code is needed here for the default functionality



The main Demo example demonstrates the bulk of the functionality provided by FileExplorer, including the HTML editor provided by the feEditor class. See the feHtmlEditor_MainExample procedure.

MailMerge (recommended)

A new example application that demonstrates the editor, as well as a variety of techniques for using the editor, and creating simple mail merge style functionality:


A simple HTML editor for creating and sending emails using CapeSoft NetTalk.

feEditor - Methods

Quick Reference
MethodDescription Beta Notes
EditThe Edit command, allows Copy, Paste, Cut etc. to be performedNot fully backward compatible
GetHtmlGraphicsInfoRetrieves the list of images used in the document (use EmbedImages instead of this method).Supported, and enhanced by the new EmbedImagesmethod
GetInfoRetreives properties of the document and controlSupported, some properties may be deprecated or unsupported
HideControlHides the control
InitIntialises the object and control
InsertHtmlInserts HTML into the controlSupported
InsertTableInserts a table into the HTMLIn progress
InsertTextInserts text into the controlNeeds testing
KeyPressedDetects a key pressNot tested
KillCleans up and destroys the control
LoadLoads a document
NewDocumentCreates a new (blank document)In progress (can be done simply by blanking the HTML)
PrintMePrints the documentNeeds testing and possibly additional support
ReloadReloads the document
SaveSaves the document
SetFocusSets the focus to the controlIn progress, this is vastly improved in the new version
SettingsAllowed the background color to be set in the old editor, provides access to all document properties in the new editor.In progress
UnhideControlUnhides the control and refreshes the display
UpdateUpdates the properties of the document and control. The new editor will provide methods for doing this directly for each property.Supported, some properties still need to be added.
New Methods
BeforeEditorInitCalled when the control and editor have both loaded, but before the editor is initialised.
BeforeEditorLoadCalled when the control has loaded,but before the editor has loaded.
CallCommandProvides the ability to call any of the commands available to the underlying editor, including any of the toolbar buttons, plugins etc.
CollapseToolbarCollapses the editor toolbar
DebuggingEnables or disabled debug logging and error messages displayed
LogOutputs a string to the debug log
ErrorTrapCalled class methods to indicate an error or warning
GetHtmlReturns the HTML of the edited page
GetTextReturns the plain text version of the document being edited
GetPageTitleReturns the title of the edited pageNot implemented
EditorReadyCalled by the object to indicate that the editor has loaded and is ready to be used
EmbedImagesEmbeds the images and returns a string containing a comma seperate list. Replaces and enhances the GetHtmlGraphicsInfo method.Updated
ExpandToolbarExpands the editor toolbar
IsReadyReturns whether the editor is fully loaded and ready to be used
LoadLoads document
PreTakeEventIdentical to TakeEvent, but called with the event before it is actually processed
RevertReverts the document to the version of disk
SetHtmlSets the HTML content of the current document
SetPageTitleSets the title of the pageNot Implemented
ReplaceInStringReplaces one or all occurances of a substring with the specified string
SetFileNameSets the filename used by the editor, typically not called manually.
SetSkinSets the skin for the editor, must be called from BeforeEditorLoad. Cannot be done once the editor has loaded.Not implmented in the class in 5.20 Beta -  this is provided in the feeditor.html file itself.
TakeEventEvent handling, allows all events provided by the editor to be trapped

New Methods of the feEditor class


Debugging (long debug)


Enables or disables debug logging and the display of scripting error or warning messages by the IE control. The debug output and whether the the control displays messages can also be set independantly by setting the .debugging property of the feEditor directly, and by calling Update() to change the SilentMode of the control itself. See the example below.

Parameter Description
long debugA value of 1 to enable debug logging by the class, and to allow IE to display scripting (and other) errors and warnings. A value of zero disables debug logging and sets IE to silent mode to ensure it does not display prompts.
Return Values


! Enable debugging and the display of error or warning messages by the underlying control.

! Turn off the display of errors and warnings, but still
! allow debug output to be sent to the system debug log.

Update('SilentMode', true)

! Enabled or disable debugging without affecting whether the control displays messages
htmlEditor.debugging = false

Regardless of whether debug logging is enabled or not, the ErrorTrap method will still be called with any errors or warnings, allowing them to be handled, although the output will not be sent to the system debug log when this occurs.

In order to view the debug output a tool such as DebugView is needed. DebugView is available free from Microsoft -


Log (string info)


Outputs a string to the system debug log. In order to view the debug output a tool such as DebugView is needed. DebugView is available free from Microsoft - Output will only be displayed if the .debugging property of the object is set to 1.

Parameter Description
string infoThe string to output to the system debug log. There is no limit on the length of this string. In order to identify the output as coming from your application, and to allow the output to be highlighted and filtered it is strongly recommended that you prepend an identifier to your string that identifies it as having come from your application (see the remarks section below).
Return Values


htmlEditor.debugging = false
[FE] feEditor.Load(): Error the file name specified did not exist.')

In order to identify the output as coming from your application, and to allow the output to be highlighted and filtered it is strongly recommended that you prepend an identifier to your string that identifies it as having come from your application. For example all FileExplorer output begins with '[FE] '. This makes it simple to identify the output, and also to filter it out if needed. It is also recommended that you provide the ability to enable and disable output at runtime, as the debug log is shared by all applications on the machine and applications that use the bebug log indiscriminately as if it is their own private log can be quite inconvenient, especially if the strings being output have no identifier to allow them to be easily filtered out.


ErrorTrap (string methodName, string errorMessage)


Called be the methods of the class when an error occurs. This allows errors to be trapped and handled within your code. If the .debugging property of the object is set to 1 to enable debug output then this method will also log the message to the system debug log. See the Log() method for more information.

Parameter Description
string methodNameA string containing the name of the method that the error occured in
string errorMessageA string containing the actual error message. FileExplorer uses the convention that the string beings with 'Warning:' for warning messages and 'Error' for error messages, which make it easy to identify the severity of the error.
Return Values


feEditor.ErrorTrap Procedure(string methodName, string errorMessage)

    if Instring('Error:', errorMessage, 1, 1) 
Message('An error occured in ' & Clip(methodName) & ': ' & Clip(errorMessage))

    parent.ErrorTrap(methodName, errorMessage)   


GetText (),string


Returns the the plain text version of the document being edited.



Return Values

Returns a string that contains the plain text version of the HTML file that is loaded in the editor. This is only the text contents, and is formatted as close to the original page in terms of layout as plain text allows.

textVersion    string(08000h)     ! 32KiB string

! Example 1: Load an HTML file and get the Text Only version of the document

textVersion = HtmlEditor.GetText()
Message('Text Version: ' & Clip(textVersion))


GetHtml (*string htmlSource), long


Returns the actual HTML source of the document being edited. If the passed string is not large enough then the HTML is trucated to fit the string and the method returns the size required to store the entire document.

Parameter Description
*string htmlSourceA string that will be populated the the HTML source for the current document.
Return Values

Returns 0 for success. If the passed string is not large enough then the HTML is trucated to fit the string and the method returns the size required to store the entire document.

Example 1
Get the HTML from the editor and store it in a fixed length string (the same approach also applies to Memo fields).

htmlSource         string(4096)

Example 2
This example performs the same function as the first, however it dynamically allocates the string so that any amount of data can be stored.

reqSize            long

htmlSource &= new string(4096)     ! Set an initial size
reqSize = HtmlEditor.GetHtml(htmlSource)
if reqSize > 0                     ! The initial size is too small
    htmlSource &=
new string(reqSize)

(htmlSource)                 ! Dispose of the string when done
Example 3
Store the HTML from the editor in a BLOB field in table.


GetPageTitle - coming soon


EmbedImages (long embedImages=1), string
EmbedImages (*string htmlData, long embedImages=1), string


This method is used to return a string containing a comma seperated list of all images used in the document, and also to optionally change the source for each image to use the format for embedding the image when sending the HTML in an email. Note that if embedImages is set to 1 this modies the actual HTML source of the document.

For example when using NetTalk the HTML file can be send with all images simply by calling EmbedImages and assigning the returned string to the embedList property of the the NetEmailSend object (see the example below).

There are two forms of this method, the first fetches the HTML from the editor, retrieves the list of images, and then optionally updates the editor with the new HTML with the image references in the embedded form.

The second (which takes a string reference as the first parameter), does the same thing, but using the passed string. This is indepedenant of the actual editor, and can be used with an editor control, and with having to call the Init method. This is particularly useful when loading the HTML from disk, or using this method with other tools such as NetTalk, where you may not need an editor.

Parameter Description
long embedImages=1Determines where the images will be embedded (the default behaviour) or whether to just return the string containing the comma seperated list of images used. If this is set to 1 then each image source is changed to the format required for embedding. This allows the image list to be retrieved and the image sources to be changed to use the 'cid:' format required for embedding in a single step. Setting this to 0 will return the image
Return Values

Returns a string containing a comma seperated list of all files embedded. See Example 2 below, which uses the returned string with NetTalk to send an HTML and text email with embedded images.

Example 1
Embedding the image list when using the HTML Editor. Note that this modifies the actual documented being edited. Typically called in a mail app when actually sending the mail, the "embed" version would not be saved, rather the GetHtml would be called to saved the HTML before embedding.

EmailSender.embedList = HtmlEditor.EmbedImages()    ! Embed the images and create the embed list
! Get the HTML data from the editor
Example 2
Embedding images in HTML that is stored in a string. The HTML can of course be retrieved from the editor, although an editor does not need to be used or intialised in order to call this method. The example below uses an instance of the class without creating an editor.

! declare an instance of the feEditor class to use. There will be no control populated
! and the Init method will never be called
htmlEditor     Class(feEditor)
htmlData       &string
    ! An example of loading the HTML data from a BLOB in a table
    ! called HtmlStore

    htmlData &= new string(HtmlStore.DataBlob{prop:size})
    htmlData = HtmlStore.DataBlob[0 : HtmlStore.DataBlob{prop:size} - 1]

    ! Embed the images, and modify the passed HTML data for embedding
    EmailSender.EmbedList = htmlEditor.EmbedImages(htmlData)

    ! The code below sends the message using CapeSoft NetTalk
EmailSender.SetRequiredMessageSize(Len(Clip(textData)), Len(Clip(htmlData)), 0)
if not EmailSender.error
        EmailSender.messageText = textData
        EmailSender.messageHtml = htmlData



Load (), long
Load (string fileName), long


Loads a document. If no parameter is passed then a FileDialog is displays to allow the user to select the document to load.

Parameter Description
string fileNameAn optional parameter indicating the file name to load (including the path). If no parameter is passed then a FileDialog is displays to allow the user to select the document to load.
Return Values

Returns 1 for sucess and zero to indicate failure. If an error occurs then the ErrorTrap() method is called with the error message.

if fileName = ''


Revert (long promptUser=0)


Reverts to the previous version of the document (whatever is currently on disk). Any unsaved changeds are lost.

Parameter Description
long promptUser=0Determines whether or not the user is prompted before the document is reverted to the last saved version. If this is set to 1 then the user is prompted, and the user can then cancel the process and choose to not allow the document to be reverted.
Return Values


HtmlEditor.Revert(true)      ! Revert but prompt the user to make sure that they are aware that changes will be lost.


SetHtml (*string htmlSource)
SetHtml (*BLOB htmlSource)


Sets the HTML of the document to the passes string. The string should contain a valid HTML document (although if the it only contains HTML code the required html, head and body tags will be created). This can be used in conjunction with GetHtml() to retreive the HTML source, modify it, and then update the control. It can also be used to load the control directly from memory rather than from disk. See the example below for loading the editor from a BLOB field.

Parameter Description
*string htmlSource
*BLOB htmlSource
A string (or BLOB) containing the HTML to load into the control. The string should contain a valid HTML document (although if the it only contains HTML code the required html, head and body tags will be created)
Return Values


! Load a HTML from a string into the editor:
    HtmlEditor.SetHtml(htmlString)         ! Load the data into the editor.

! Load from a BLOB field into the editor
    HtmlEditor.SetHtml(MyTable.BlobField)         ! Load the data into the editor.

SetPageTitle - coming soon


ReplaceInString (*string pText, string oldValue, string newValue, long replaceAll=1), long


Find and replaces one or all occurances of the specified substring within the passed string.

Parameter Description
string pTextThe text to search.
string oldValueThe value to search for
string newValueThe string to replace the found instance(s) with
long replaceAll = 1Specifies whether all instances should be replaced, or just the first instance found. Defaults to 1 to replace all instances. Pass as zero to only replace the first instance found.

Returns 1 for success, or zero for failure (the method will fail if the string is not large enough to contain the replacement values).


IsReady (), long


This method returns the .editorReady property of the editor, which indicates whether the editor has fully loaded and is ready for use or not. Methods that interact with the editor cannot be called before the EditorReady() callback is called and the .editorReady property is set to 1.

When the editor intialises it does so in two stages. First the actual control is intialised, and then the editor is loaded. Once the control has loaded it calls the BeforeEditorLoad() method, which allows last minute configuration to be done before the editor itself is loaded. Once the editor is loaded, but before it intialises the BeforeEditorInit() method is called and finally the EditorReady() method is called to indicate that the loading is complete. This allows code to be added in each stage of the loading process.

Once editor is loaded completly the .editorReady property is set to 1 and the EditorReady() method is called.



Return Values

Returns 1 if the editor is intialised and ready to be used, or zero if the editor either has not been initialising, or is still in the process of doing so.

if HtmlEditor.IsReady()


SetFileName (string fileName)


Sets the file name properties for the class based on the passed file name. This method would not typically be called, except from within the class when a new document is loaded. For file loading, saving and file name and path handling the feFile class can be used.

Parameter Description
string fileNameThe name of the file, including the path. This is then parsed, split and stored in the object properties.
Return Values





SetSkin (string skinPath)


Sets the skin (style) for the editor to use. The editor ships with a number of different skin (style) options. This must be set in the BeforeEditorInit() method in order to work. One the editor has initialised the skin cannot be changed. The Office2003 skin is currently the default.

Parameter Description
string skinPathThe path to one of the folders in the skin directory in the Editor directory. For example: 'skins/aluminium/' or 'skins/office2003'
Return Values


HtmlEditor.BeforeEditorInit Procedure()

    case mySkinStyle
    of 1
    of 2
    of 3
    of 4
! Use the default

  parent.BeforeEditorInit ()


CallCommand (string commandName)


Calls (executes) any of the command available to the JavaScript based editor by name. This includes all toolbar commands and plugins.

Parameter Description
string commandName The name of the command to call (execute). The editor supports the following values (not all possible values are included below as any number of plugins may be added to the editor):

'Open', 'Save', 'NewPage', 'Source', 'Preview', Templates'

'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', 'Print', 'Undo', 'Redo', 'Find', 'Replace', 'SelectAll', 'RemoveFormat'

'Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton', 'HiddenField'

'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline',' Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript'

'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'Outdent', 'Indent', 'Blockquote'

'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'

'Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor'

'Image', 'Flash', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'SpecialChar', 'PageBreak'

'Styles', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize'

'TextColor', 'BGColor'

Return Values


HtmlEditor.CallCommand('Bold')    ! Bold the current selection


CollapseToolbar ()


Toggles the toolbar state. The new CKEditor doesn't not provide "collapse/expand", instead the toolbar state can be toggled using the CollapseToolbar() and ExpandToolbar() methods, which are now both identical in function.



Return Values




ExpandToolbar ()


Toggles the toolbar state. The new CKEditor doesn't not provide "collapse/expand", instead the toolbar state can be toggled using the CollapseToolbar() and ExpandToolbar() methods, which are now both identical in function.



Return Values



Callback methods


_EventCallback (long EventID, string Parm1, string Parm2, string Parm3, string Parm4, string Parm5, string Parm6, string Parm7), long


The internal event callback method, this is not typically a method that would be called directly or overrriden. Additional methods will be provided to handle each specific event

Parameter Description
long EventIDThe identifier for the particular event generated by the control
string Parm1...string Parm7The list of parameter values associated with the event.
Return Values

Returns 1 for success and zero for failure




EditorReady ()


Called once the editor has loaded and initialised. This indicates that the editor is actually ready to be used. If you need to execute code as soon as the editor has loaded, then this is the method to use.



Return Values


HtmlEditor.EditorReady Procedure()

    HtmlEditor.Load(myFileName)   ! Load a file as soon as the editor is ready



BeforeEditorInit ()


This method is called once the control has loaded, and the editor has loaded, but not been intialised. It provides a point at which any last minutes changes to the configuration can be made. For example the SetSkin() method can be called to change the skin (style) of the editor.

When the editor intialises it does so in two stages. First the actual control is intialised, and then the editor is loaded. Once the control has loaded it calls the BeforeEditorLoad() method. Once the editor is loaded, but before it intialises, the BeforeEditorInit() method is called and finally the EditorReady() method is called to indicate that the loading is complete. This allows code to be added in each stage of the loading process.

Once editor is loaded completely the .editorReady property is set to 1 and the EditorReady() method is called.



Return Values


HtmlEditor.BeforeEditorInit Procedure()

    case mySkinStyle    ! Load a skin (style) file based on a variable's value
    of 1
    of 2
    of 3
    of 4
! Use the default

  parent.BeforeEditorInit ()


BeforeEditorLoad ()


This method is called once the control has loaded and before the actual editor is loaded.

When the editor intialises it does so in two stages. First the actual control is intialised, and then the editor is loaded. Once the control has loaded it calls the BeforeEditorLoad() method. Once the editor is loaded, but before it intialises, the BeforeEditorInit() method is called and finally the EditorReady() method is called to indicate that the loading is complete. This allows code to be added in each stage of the loading process.

Once editor is loaded completely the .editorReady property is set to 1 and the EditorReady() method is called.



Return Values


Additional Methods of the feEditor class


Edit (long EditType)


This method has been replaced by the CallCommand() method.


GetHtmlGraphicsInfo ( *string HtmlSource), string


This method is deprecated and the functionality is expanded int he new EmbedImages methods. Calling this method will call EmbedImages to return a string containing the image files used in the HTML document. This is usually done in order to then embed the images when sending an email. The EmbedImages method also allows each image SRC in the HTML to be modified to the format required for embedding when sending the email.

This method was written primarily to make it easier to use File Explorer with NetTalk, to create and send emails. The idea is that you use File Explorer to create / view an email (html). To send this email (using NetTalk), you need to set several NetTalk properties. Two of these properties are a comma separated list of graphics in the html (ThisEmailSend.EmbedList), and a modified version of the html code (ThisEmailSend.MessageHtml), where image paths are changed from qualified paths to paths prefixed with "cid".

This File Explorer method simply updates two File Explorer properties, self.Source and self.GraphicsList. Also look at the notes below on the "RootFolder" property.

Parameter Description
string HtmlSourceA string that contains the HTML document to extract the images from
Return Value

Returns a string containing a comma seperated list of all images used in the HTML document.

HtmlEditor.GetHtml(htmlString)              ! needed only for the next line
HtmlEditor.GetHtmlGraphicsInfo (htmlString)
! updates the Source and Graphics list properties
ThisEmailSend.MessageHtml = htmlStringe
ThisEmailSend.EmbedList = HtmlEditor.GraphicsList


GetInfo (long property)


This method is deprecated with the new editor. It will still be supported, but the specific methods should be called to fetch the required properties where possible. See GetHtml() and GetText().

This method queries the object and updates properties with information. Think of this as updating the properties (variables) at a moment in time.

Parameter Description
long property This optional parameter used to specify which values should be retrieved.

If no parameter is passed them all the values are retrieved. Can be one of the following values:
  • fe:outerHtml or fe:HtmlSource - retrieves the source code and stores it in the .outerHtml property (which can also be accessed using the .source property). The GetHtml() method should be used to retrieved this.
  • fe:outerText or fe:innerText - retrieves the text version of the document. For the moment these act the same, however it is recommended that fe:outerText be used for fetching the entire document's text as fe:InnerText will apply to the current element in future versions. The GetText() method shoudl be used to retrieve this value.
Return Values


ThisViewer1.GetInfo ()


HideControl ( )


Hides the File Explorer viewer control. Note: ?feControl{prop:hide} = true will not work. This is becuase the panel control that is placed on the window is replaced entirely with the COM control.



Return Value




Init ( long CurrentControl, <string LoadPath>, long Handle1=0, long Handle2=0, byte SkipCallbacks=false)


Called to initialise the control and load the editor. Must be called before any other methods are called. The second prototype is provided for backward compatibility with the old editor. The parameters are optional and ignored by the new editor.

The editor is NOT loaded once this method has been called. Use the EditorReady method for code that should run as soon as the editor has initialised.


None. No parameters are needed with the new editor, however the old prototype for the method is still supported for backward compatibility. Any passed parameters are ignored.

Return Value



When the editorInit() method is called the control is loaded followed by the actual editor. The Init() method is asynchronous, so it completes and returns control to your application while the editor is being initialised in the background. Any calls to the methods while the editor is still loading will be ignored. Just before the editor is actually loaded the Init() methods calls the BeforeEditorLoad() callback method. This is where you can add code to modify the editor just before it is loaded. For example you can call SetSkin() to change the skin being used.

Once the initialisation is complete and the editor is loaded and ready to use the EditorReady() method is called. You can embed your code in this method that needs to execute as soon as the editor is ready to be used. The .editorReady property of the object is also set to 1, and you can call the IsReady(() method to check whether the editor has is ready to be used at any time.


InsertHtml (long location, string htmlToInsert )


This method enables you to insert html into the loaded document. The TextToInsert parameter that you pass can be either actual "html", or a variable containing the html to insert (as illustrated in the examples below).

Parameter Description
byte location This parameter is not currently supported by the new editor, the text is always inserted at the current cursor position.
One of the following values:

  • 1 - Inserts the html at the current position of the cursor.
  • 2 - Immediately before the current element
  • 3 - After the start of the current element, but before the content of the element
  • 4 - Immediately before the end of the element, but after all the content inside the element
  • 5 - Immediately after the end of the element
string htmlToInsertA string containing the HTML to insert into the document.
Return Value




InsertTable ()


Use CallCommand to automatically trigger table insertion.

This method will be fully supported in future releases.



Return Value





InsertText ( byte pReserved, string textToInsert )


This method enables you to insert text into the loaded document. The TextToInsert parameter that you pass can be either actual text, or a variable containing the text to insert (as illustrated in the examples below).

Parameter Description
byte pReserved Reserved for later use
string textToInsertThe actual text to insert into the document.
Return Value


MyVar = 'I am here'
ThisViewer1.InsertText (1, MyVar)

In order to insert multiple spaces the InsertHtml method needs to be used. The HTML format ignores extraneous white space, so multiple spaces will be displayed as a single space.


KeyPressed () ,long

This method will be provided in future version of the HTML editor.


Kill ( )


Handles the "closing down" of an object. Typically called as the window which contains the object is closed. This method must be called before the object goes out of scope in order to ensure that all allocated memory is released.



Return Values


HtmlEditor.Kill ()


NewDocument ( )


Creates a new, blank document.

You can call this method before calling the Load method (although it is not necessary as a new blank document is created automatically). The Init() method must be called before any other methods are called and will automatically create a new blank document, so it is not neccessary to call NewDocument unless you would like to clear the contents of the editor and create a blank document.



Return Value




PrintMe (byte pReserved=0)


Prints the loaded document. Identical to the user pressing the Print button, and identical to calling CallCommand('Print').

Parameter Description
byte pReserved= 0Reserved for later use
Return Value


HtmlEditor.PrintMe ()


Reload ( )


Reloads the last document which you loaded, the equivilent of the Revert() method, without the option to prompt the user. This is identical to calling the Load() method with the same file name as previously specified. It will load the document from disk and any usaved changes will be lost.



Return Value




Save ( *string saveLocation, byte saveType, byte promptUser=true ), byte, proc


Saves the HTML document to disk, or into the passed string, depending on the value of the saveType parameter.

If the saveType is set to 1 the function saves to disk. Parameters


Return Value


! Save a file and specify the file name
fileName =
LongPath() & '\MyFile.htm'
HtmlEditor.Save(fileName, 1)

! Save a file that is being edited (commit the changes to disk)


SetFocus ( )


Sets the focus to the window that contains the FileExplorer control.



Return Value




Settings ( string bkgColor ) ,byte


This method is deprecated and not supported by the new editor. It was provided to set the background colour of the page, which will be exposed through SetBackgroundColor() and GetBackgroundColor() methods in future versions.


UnhideControlontrol ( )


Unhides the FileExplorer control if it has been hidden using the HideControl method. Note that the panel populated in the Window Editor is purely a place holder, and has no relation to the actual Com control, it ise used purely for positioning and visual representation in the Window Editor in Clarion. Setting ?feControl{prop:hide} = false will have no impact on the visibility of the control.



Return Value




Update ( string property, string propValue )


Use this method to update various properties / values. This method is supported by the editor, but it is recommended that you call the relevant methods directly rather than using this method. For example use GetHtml(), SetHtml() and GetText() rather calling GetInfo() and Update() to get or set the HTML.

Parameter Description
string property The Property parameter can be one of the following strings
  • 'PrinterHeader' - Changes the printout header when printing the document (no effect on the document loaded).
  • 'PrinterFooter' - Changes the printout foot when printing the document (no effect on the document loaded).
  • 'PrinterOrientation' - Switch between landscape and portrait mode printing
  • 'Source' - Update the HTML source of the document with the HTML specified by the propValue parameter
  • 'InnerHtml' - Update the HTML body of the document with the HTML specified by the propValue parameter
  • 'OuterHtml' - The same as specifying 'Source'
string propValueThe value to set the specified property to.
Return Value



htmlSource = '<html><head></head><body><h1>Hello World</h1><p>This is an HTML document</p></body></html>'
Source', htmlSource)

Note: It is recommened that the new method are using in preference:

htmlSource = '<html><head></head><body><h1>Hello World</h1><p>This is an HTML document</p></body></html>'

The reason you use this method and don't just change the properties "directly" is because using this method results in the changes being implemented "immediately", and not for instance only coming into effect the next time you load a document into the object which is often the "default" behaviour.

This method should be considered largely deprecated, and is primarily provided for backward compatibility.

feEditor - Properties

active byteThis property is deprecated and should not be used. Use the EditorReady() callback method to determine when the editor is ready for use, or check the .editorReady property, which is set when EditorReady() is called and the editor has completed initialisation and is ready for use. The .editorReady property can be checked directly, or by calling IsReady().
browser byteNo longer supported.
currentPath stringThe full path (including filename) of the file currently loaded. If no file has been loaded, or a new document is being edited that has not been saved, then this is blank. This property should not be set directly, typically this property will be set automatically by the Load and Save filenames, however it can be overridden by calling SetFileName, which sets all the path properties of the object based on the passed file name.
debugging longEnables or disables debug output. See the ErrorTrap(), Log() and Debugging() methods.
editorPath string The path to load the editor from. By default this is the current application directory.

Setting the .editorPath property overrides the default location that the feEditor.html file is loaded from an allows the editor to loaded from any location. The editorPath string should be set to the full path that contains the feEditor files.

This value must be set before the call to the feEditor.Init() method in order to have any effect.


htmlEditor.editorPath = 'C:\ProgramData\Company\MyApp'
fileName stringThe file name only, excluding the path
filePath stringThe path to the document (without the file name), if a document is loaded by specifying a file name without a path then the current application path is used. This property has URL style forward slashs (/) for Windows style slashes use the pagePath property
pagePath stringThe document path, but with normal Windows style backslashes (\)
docInnerText cstringSame as the InnerText property, but this property holds the InnerText component for the whole document, not just the currently selected portion. Use this property if you're wanting the "text" from an entire html page. Refreshed using the GetInfo method.
initialDocument string The intial document to load into the editor when the EditorReady method fires. This can be set directly at any point before of after calling the Init() method (but before EditorReady is called), or the Load() method can be called, and if the editor is not ready, it will set the initialDocument property to the requested file, and load it when the editor has intialised and is ready.


htmlEditor.initialDocument = 'C:\ProgramData\Company\MyApp\start.html'
innerHtml cstringHolds the HTML for the selected object, between the start and end tags. See the GetInfo and Update methods.
innerText cstringHolds the text for the selected object, between the start and end tags. See the GetInfo and Update methods.
editorReady longWhether the editor is ready for use or not. Can also be retrieved by calling the IsReady() method

When the editor intialises it does so in two stages.First the actual control is intialised, and then the editor is loaded. Once the control has loaded it calls the BeforeEditorLoad() method. Once the editor is loaded, but before it intialises, the BeforeEditorInit() method is called and finally the EditorReady() method is called to indicate that the loading is complete. This allows code to be added in each stage of the loading process.

The editor is then loaded and once complete the .editorReady property is set to 1 and the EditorReady() callback method is called.

Methods that interact with the editor cannot be called before the EditorReady() callback is called and the isReady property is set to 1.
outerHtml cstringUse the GetHtml() method to retrieve the HTML source.
Holds the selected (html) object's html content See the GetInfo and Update methods.
outerText cstringHolds the selected (html) object's text content See the GetInfo and Update methods.
pageTitle cstringNot supported in the current version, will be replaced by the GetPageTitle() method.
Holds the title of the page being displayed. See the GetInfo method.
picAlign cstringNot supported in the current version
Holds the "Alignment" setting for the currently selected image in an html document. Use the GetInfo and Update methods.
picBorder byteNot supported in the current version
Holds the "Border" width for the currently selected image in an html file. Use the GetInfo and Update methods. (Setting the border to 0 will result in the image having no border).
picHSpacing byteNot supported in the current version
Holds the "Horizontal Spacing" setting for the currently selected image in an html file. Use the GetInfo and Update methods.
picVSpacing byteNot supported in the current version
Holds the "Vertical Spacing" setting for the currently selected image in an html file. Use the GetInfo and Update methods.
picSource stringNot supported in the current version
Holds the source (web url or filename) for the currently selected image in an html file. Use the GetInfo and Update methods.
picText stringNot supported in the current version
Holds the "Alternate Text" (the text that displays when you point at the image, and/or if the image fails to load) for the currently selected image in an html file. Use the GetInfo and Update methods.
rootFolder stringThis has been deprecated as the GetHtmlGraphicsInfo method has been replaced by the enhanced EmbedImages() method. See EmbedImages().
source cstringUse the GetHtml() method to retrieve the source rather than this property.
Holds the html component (source / text) of the loaded page. See the GetInfo and Update methods.
tagName stringNot supported in the current version
Holds the Tag Name of the selected object (e.g. "STRONG", "FONT", "A").  See the GetInfo method.
url stringReplaces by the filePath property.

feEditor - Templates

At this time there is quite an overlap in terms of multiple File Explorer classes being implemented by the same templates. In the future we may revisit this, but for now all templates are covered in the main (FileExplorer.htm) help document, please click here.

Quick Guides

1. Loading a document at startup or creating a blank document

Use the EditorReady callback method for any code that needs to be called as soon as the editor is ready for use. Note that you cannot call any of the editor methods until EditorReady has been called (the editor initialization happens in the background when the Init method is called - it is asynchronous).

In the Editor.EditorReady() method:
if Exists(myFileName)


2. Saving to an HTML file
fileName     string(FILE:MAXFILENAME)
    fileName = 'mypage.html'  ! Can include the full path
3. Retrieving the HTML (and text) from the editor
htmlData           string(04000h)
textData           string(01000h)

Note that you can also get a plain text version (if you're sending email that contains HTML then sending both the plain text and HTML parts is recommended)

The above example declared two strings of fixed length for retrieving the data, however this limits the amount of HTML that can be retrieved. The GetHtml method returns the size required if the string is not long enough, allowing the string to be dynamically resized:
htmlSource         &string
reqSize            long
    htmlSource &= new string(4096)
    reqSize = HtmlEditor.GetHtml(htmlSource)
    if reqSize > 0
        htmlSource &= new string(reqSize)
    Dispose(htmlSource)                        ! Dispose the string when done

Event Handling

FileExplorer 5.20 introduces entirely new event handling for the editor, providing comprehensive handling of the events generated by the editor. FileExplorer provides embeds for each of these callbacks methods to allow you to add code when an event occurs.


Called before the editor initialises during the loading process. Can be used to modify settings or file just before the editor uses them.

See the full BeforeEditorInit() document.


Called when the editor has completed loading. Used to execute any code that needs to run as soon as the editor is available.

See the full EditorReady() documentation.

TakeEvent(string evt)

Called for all event handling. Allows any events to be trapped and responded to - such as the user pressing toolbar buttons. Receives the name of the event, such as "save", "print", "bold" and so on, including:

'Open', 'Save', 'NewPage', 'Source', 'Preview', Templates'

'Cut', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'PasteText', 'PasteFromWord', 'Print', 'Undo', 'Redo', 'Find', 'Replace', 'SelectAll', 'RemoveFormat'

'Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton', 'HiddenField'

'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline',' Strike', 'Subscript', 'Superscript'

'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'Outdent', 'Indent', 'Blockquote'

'JustifyLeft', 'JustifyCenter', 'JustifyRight', 'JustifyBlock'

'Link', 'Unlink', 'Anchor'

'Image', 'Flash', 'Table', 'HorizontalRule', 'SpecialChar', 'PageBreak'

'Styles', 'Format', 'Font', 'FontSize'

'TextColor', 'BGColor'


PreTakeEvent(string evt)g evt)

Identical to TakeEvent(), but is called before the JavaScript code actually executes in response to the event. Like TakeEvent(), the string contains the event name.

Editor Use and Accessibility

CKEditor 3 is designed with people who have disabilities in mind. In addition to be usable with a mouse, a keyboard and a monitor; CKEditor is usable with a keyboard and a screenreader as well. JAWS with IE7 and JAWS with Firefox 3 are currently supported.

Basic Navigation

Navigating Toolbar

Navigating Dialogs

Navigating Context Menus

Navigating Style Combo Boxes

Navigating Color Selection Boxes

Editor Hotkeys

Here is a list of hotkeys that you can use inside the editing area in addition to the more common text editing keyboard commands (i.e. arrow keys to move the caret, end to move to the end of line, etc.).


  1. When an editor is newly created in the middle of a browsing session.
  2. When a dialog is opened.
  3. When a dialog is closed.
  4. When a context menu is opened.
  5. When a combo box menu is opened.
In all of the above events, it is recommended that the user press Insert+Esc to keep JAWS's virtual cursor in sync with the browser display.

Using the HTML editor in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

The new feEditor class that ships with FileExplorer 5 and later is fully compatible with Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 and does not have any dependencies other than requiring Internet Explorer.

If you chose to use the old feHtmlEditor (which is not recommended) under Windows Vista and later, you need to ship the DhtmlEd.msi that FileExplorer will place in your Clarion\3rdparty\bin\ directory when it is installed. This should be run to install the MS DHTML control on the users machine when your application is installed. We recommend not using the old control, but rather using the new feEditor, which is the default with FileExplorer 5 and higher. Not only is it faster, but it is more feature rich and stable.