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CapeSoft Reflection

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The Reflection class allows generic code (libraries) to work on structures in a more powerful way. This is done through the use of Extended Name Attributes which are declared with the structure. These attributes can then be used so that libraries better understand the structure.

The Reflection class acts as a parser for the extended attributes layer, and also allows you to alter attributes at run time.

Because the extensive use of Reflection encourages libraries to support more complex data structures (queues-in- queues etc) the Reflection class also provides a number of Helper methods to perform common tasks that these libraries will need. For example DISPOSEing complex structures is complicated, so Reflection has a helper method which does that for you.

This is a required layer for some other CapeSoft Accessories, and is provided free of charge.


Reflection requires StringTheory 3.


An introduction to this class, and the way in which it works, was described in ClarionLive session #637 , recorded on 12 November 2021.


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Telephone +27 87 828 0123
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License and Distribution

No additional files are required for shipping.

The files in this product are copyright 2024 by CapeSoft.

This product is provided free of charge for the use by the Clarion community. It can be ordered (for free) from ClarionShop.

Other 3rd party suppliers are explicitly allowed to create their own libraries making use of this library.

This product is provided as-is. CapeSoft Software and CapeSoft Electronics (collectively trading as CapeSoft), their employees and dealers explicitly accept no liability for any loss or damages which may occur from using this package. Use of this package constitutes agreement with this license. This package is used entirely at your own risk.

Use of this product implies your acceptance of this, along with the recognition of the copyright stated above. In no way will CapeSoft , their employees or affiliates be liable in any way for any damages or business losses you may incur as a direct or indirect result of using this product.

For the full EULA see


Reflection is a class product, and has no User Interface, so it is completely compatible with programs running under AnyScreen.

Use in a Hand-Coded Project

  1. Add the line
    to your project in the appropriate scope, so the class is in scope.
  2. Set the Conditional Compile in your project
    ReflectionLM => 1
  3. Set the Conditional Compile in your project
    ReflectionDM => 0

The Naming of Things

The word "name" is used rather casually when referring to a declaration. In order to properly understand the sections that follow, it is important to be precise in the usage.  The simplest Clarion declaration consists of a LABEL and a TYPE;

x  Long

This declaration has no NAME attribute. So in this situation the NAME of the field defaults to the UPPER CASE of the LABEL. So the NAME of this field is X.

Fields can be declared with a specific name;

s  String(255),Name('Title')

In this case the LABEL of the field is S (LABELS are ALWAYS UPPERCASE) and the NAME of the field is Title. (Names are always Case Sensitive.)

In the Clarion language LABELS have to be unique, NAMES do not have to be unique. However the ReflectClass identifies things based on their Structure Name (known as the GroupName) and the NAME (known as the ColumnName). So for the purposes of using the ReflectClass the NAME attribute has to be unique in the structure.

a1  String(255),Name('Address1')
a2  String(255),Name('Address2')
a3  String(255),Name('Address3')

In external data structures, like JSON and XML, these names translate into the TagNames used in those structures. However in those (and other) external structures, those TagNames do not need to be unique. For this reason the ReflectClass supports the Rename attribute.

a1  String(255),Name('Address1 | Rename(Address)')
a2  String(255),Name('Address2 | Rename(Address)')
a3  String(255),Name('Address3 | Rename(Address)')

But wait, there's more.

It is possible that one structure will be used to export data to multiple different formats. And conceptually these names may be different from one format to another. In this situation the declaration may look like this;

a1  String(255),Name('Address1 | Rename(Address) | XMLName(ADDR) | JsonName(address)')

In this case, when matching to XML (importing or exporting) it is ideal to use ADDR, when matching to JSON use address (lower case) and when matching to anything else use Address (mixed case). In order for the object to know which external tagname to use, a property called tag exists. This property can be set before parsing the structure. For example;

reflection  ReflectClass
  reflection.tag = 'xmlname'

When this is set, and the structure is parsed, then the XMLName (if it exists) will be placed in the Rename Attribute for the field.

Hint: The Name attribute is limited to 100 characters long by the Clarion language.

Getting Started

The ReflectClass class is declared in Reflection.Inc and the code for the class is in Reflection.Clw. The goal of the class is to accept structures (Group, Queue, File and View) and to parse out their attributes, and extended attributes. This can then be used when writing generic functions.

A small template (Reflection.Tpl) is also provided for use in an App - This includes a global template for Activating the class in a program, and a Local template for instantiating instances of the class in procedures. Reflection can also be used in hand-coded projects, or included in other classes.

In most cases the use of ReflectClass will be simple;

1) Parse the structure

3) While looping through the records in the structure, use the GET methods to discover the attributes for the columns, and make the appropriate changes to input and output.

In more complex cases it's possible to include some more steps;

2) Add additional attributes to the columns in the structure using one or more of the SET methods.

4) Depending on your structures (especially queue-in-queue and queue-in-group nested structures) make use of the DISPOSE methods.

Using ReflectClass

The class primarily takes in a structure, parses it, and then provides a number of methods for accessing the structure for use by the calling class.

The first step is to declare an object of the class.

Reflection  ReflectClass

The next step is to pass a structure to the class for parsing. A single object can manage the parsing for multiple different structures. To do this a Structure Name (known internally as the GroupName) is used with the Parse method.

HomeQueue      Queue
House            String(255),name('House')
Photo            &StringTheory,name('Photo | StringTheory | Binary')
Date             Long,name('Date | date | @d6')
Pets             &PetsQueueType,name('Pets | Queue | RowName(Pet) | Rename(xPets)')

PetsQueueType  Queue,type
id               Long,name('Id | attribute')
Name             Group,name('Name')
WholeName          String(20),name('WholeName')
NickName           String(20),name('Nickname | attribute')


Structures may contain child queues. If these queues are assigned to something (ie not null) then they will be parsed when the parent is parsed. If they are null then they are not parsed and will need to be parsed later, when set to something.

Structures may contain child groups. These are parsed when the parent is parsed.

Once the structure has been parsed the items in the structure can be accessed using the GetAttributeExists and GetAttributeValue methods with a combination of the group name and column name.
The GetAttributeExists method will return rf:ok if the attribute exists, and rf:notok if it does not.

x = reflection.GetAttributeExists('homequeue','photo','binary')

If the attribute has a value (in other words it is of the form attribute(value) ) then use the GetAttributeValue method and the value will be returned.

s = reflection.GetAttributeValue('homequeue','pets','rowname')

You can specifically set an attribute using the SetAttribute method for a field in code - in other words supplementing the attributes in the declaration;


While most attributes can be accessed via the GetAttribute and SetAttribute methods, some attributes cannot, and are more easily obtained via specialized methods. These attributes are the PICTURE, TYPE and RENAME attributes. they are accessed using the GetPicture, GetType and GetRename methods.

p = reflection.GetPicture('homequeue','date')
t = reflection.GetType('homequeue','date')
r = reflection.GetRename('homequeue','pets')

These are matched with SetPicture, SetType and SetRename.

Helper Methods

A number of Helper methods are provided for working with complex structures. While these are not specifically part of reflection, they support using the complex structures that reflection encourages.

DisposeGroup and DisposeQueue dispose the contents of these structures, in a way that does not leak memory. Using reflection, and extended attributes, they free queues-in-queues as well as &string, &cstring, &pString, &stringtheory fields. (They do not need to Parse structures before use, so can be used in cases even where the ReflectClass is not being used.)

reflection   ReflectClass


ClearTable is similar to Clarion's Clear(Table) except that it clears BLOB and MEMO fields as well.

reflection   ReflectClass


ClearGroup is similar to Clarion's Clear(Group) however nested Queues and StringTheory objects are freed.

Assigning Methods

Importing data into complex structures (ie structures with references) can be complicated. The ReflectClass provides a number of methods for making this easier.

AssignStringPtr, AssignCStringPtr, AssignPStringPtr, AssignStringTheoryPtr allows values to be assigned into a structure, where the destination field is a &String, &Cstring, &Pstring or &StringTheory respectively. If the value is null it will be NEW'd. If the allocated space is too small, it will be enlarged.

Debugging Methods

Two debugging methods exist;

Trace allows you to send strings to DebugView.

Walk allows you to send the current contents of the GroupsQueue and FieldsQueue properties to Debugview.

Hint: The Name attribute is limited to 100 characters long by the Clarion language.

WHO Versus Prop:Name

There are fundamentally two ways to get the external field name for a field. The first is using the WHO function, and the second is using the Field{prop:Name} syntax. At first glance these appear to both return the same thing, but actually there is a slight difference between the two.

The WHO value is set when the program is compiled, and it cannot be changed at run time. It is Read-Only, and will not change during the life of the program.

The Prop:Name value is read/write. It can be written to at run time.

The Reflection class uses the WHO approach to parse the table, so the attributes there are fixed and are not writable. However additional attributes can be added to a structure using any of the SET methods.

Hint: The Name attribute is limited to 100 characters long by the Clarion language.

Creating Tables

The Clarion CREATE command has a bug (PTSS #43215) where field names in the table are created WITH with extended attributes as part of the name. However it uses the prop:name approach when determining the name.

For this reason the ReflectClass includes a method, FixCreate, for removing the extended properties from the prop:name, and leaving them in the WHO value. Libraries are thus encouraged to use WHO when parsing external properties directly.

The FixCreate method only changes the Table structure on the current thread. It does not change the prop:name for the table running on other threads.

Blobs and Memos

Blobs and Memos do not work with the WHO command. But they also do not use the External Name Attribute at all when creating tables. So The FixCreate method does not need to adjust the prop:name.

When parsing Memos and Blobs, the ReflectClass uses the prop:name and not WHO.

Supported Field Types

These are the Type attributes which are supported by the ReflectClass engine. Not all of these attributes will be applicable to, or supported by, libraries using the ReflectClass. Consult the library documentation to determine which attributes are supported. In some cases there are multiple attributes for the same equate to allow for programming naming preferences.

Attribute Equate Description
& , &*
See Reference
Any rf:Any Field is an ANY field.
BFloat4 rf:Bfloat4 Contains a Clarion BFloat4
BFloat8 rf:BFloat8 Contains a Clarion BFloat8
Bool, Boolean rf:Boolean
Contains either True or False or 1 or 0.
Byte rf:Byte Contains a Clarion byte field, which can contain a number from 0 to 255.
CString rf:Cstring Field is a CString
&Cstring, CStringPtr rf:CStringPtr Field is a reference to a Cstring
CStringJson rf:CstringJson String contains valid JSON text.
CStringXml rf:CStringXml String contains valid XML text.
CStringJsonPtr rf:CStringJsonPtr Field contains a reference to a cstring, which contains valid JSON text.
CStringXmlPtr rf:CStringXmlPtr Field contains a reference to a cstring, which contains valid XML text.
Decimal rf:Decimal Field contains a decimal
See ULong
File, &File, Table, &Table rf:Table
Field is a reference to a FILE structure.
See Real
Group rf:Group
Field is a Group structure.
JsonClass, &JsonClass rf:JsonClass Field is a reference to a JSONClass object
Key rf:key Field is a reference to a KEY structure
Long rf:Long Contains a Clarion LONG which can contain a signed 32 bit number.
Numeric rf:Numeric Contains a number
Object rf:Object Contains a reference to an object.
See Reference
PDecimal rf:PDecimal Field contains a PDecimal
PString rf:PString Field is a PString
&PString, PStringPtr rf:PStringPtr Field is a reference to a PString
Queue, &Queue rf:Queue
Field contains a reference to a Queue structure.
Real rf:Real Contains a Clarion REAL which can contain a signed 32 bit number.
Reference rf:Reference
Field contains a reference to an unspecified data type.
Report rf:Report Field contains a reference to a report structure.
Short rf:Short Contains a Clarion SHORT which can contain a signed 16 bit number.
See Long
String rf:String Field is a String
&String, StringPtr rf:StringPtr
Field contains a reference to a string.
StringJson rf:StringJson
String contains valid JSON text.
&StringJson rf:StringJsonPtr
Field contains a reference to a string, which contains valid JSON text.
StringXML rf:StringXML
String contains valid XML text.
&StringXML rf:StringXMLPtr
Field contains a reference to a string, which contains valid XML text.
StringTheory, &StringTheory rf:StringTheory
Field contains a reference to a StringTheory object
StringTheoryJson, &StringTheoryJson rf:StringTheoryJson Field contains a reference to a StringTheory object, which contains valid JSON text.
StringTheoryXML, &StringTheoryXML rf:StringTheoryXML Field contains a reference to a StringTheory object, which contains valid XML text.
Table, &Table
See File
ULong rf:Ulong Contains a Clarion ULONG which can contain an unsigned 32 bit number.
Unsigned rf:Unsigned See Long
UShort rf:Ushort Contains a Clarion USHORT which can contain an unsigned 16 bit number.
View, &View rf:View
Field is a reference to a VIEW structure.
Window rf:Window Field is a reference to a WINDOW structure
See UShort
xmlTreeClass, &xmlTreeClass rf:XmlTreeClass Field is a reference to an XMLTreeClass object


Template Reference

Global Extension

This template activates the reflection class in the application.

General Tab

Disable All Reflection Features
If this is ticked on then the template does nothing.

Options Tab

Call FixCreate for ISAM
If this is ticked on then the FixCreate method will be called for ISAM tables in the ABC FileManager class, PreCreate method. This means the extended attributes will automatically be removed from ISAM driver files before the call to CREATE. See Creating Tables.
Call FixCreate for SQL
If this is ticked on then the FixCreate method will be called for SQL tables in the ABC FileManager class, PreCreate method. This means the extended attributes will automatically be removed from SQL driver files before the call to CREATE. See Creating Tables.

Multi-DLL Tab

This is part of a Multi-DLL program
Tick this on if this app is part of a multiple-app system. This is turned on for all the DLL's and the EXE's.
Export Reflection Class from this DLL
Tick this on in the app which will export the class. This is almost always the Data DLL app. In all other apps, DLLs and EXE's, leave this off.

Classes Tab

Class Version
The last date when the class was parsed from the LibSrc folder. Used internally. Do not change.

Class Reference


Property Type Description
Tag String This is used to specify the specific external name attribute to use as the rename attribute. See The Naming of Things for more information on using this property.
TagCase Byte Specifies the case to use for the structure names. Set to rf:CaseAsIs by default, which uses the name exactly as it appears in the Name attribute or the LABEL (which is always upper case) if the name is not set.
GroupsQueue ReflectionGroupQueueType A list of all the groupnames currently parsed. Groups are only parsed once (to allow reparsing call the START method.)
FieldsQueue ReflectionFieldQueueType A list of all the fields, in all the groups, that have been parsed, and all their associated attributes.

Properties used by AdjustColumnName
MaxPrefixLength Byte The maximum length of the prefix in the structure (including the colon). PrefixChars in the string after this length will not be treated as prefix separators.
cString(4) The character (or characters) which separate the prefix from the column name. This is usually a colon ( : ) but in web applications may be an underscore ( _ ).
Byte If this is set to true, then prefixes will be removed from the name.
If this is set to true, then any PrefixChars in the name are replaced with ReplacementChars.
ReplacementChars cString(4) Replaces any Prefix chars in the string, if the ReplaceChars property is true.




AdjustColumnName(String pColumnName, Long pTagCase)
AdjustColumnName(StringTheory pColumnName, Long pTagCase)


A worker method. This method takes in a name, possibly containing a prefix, and returns the name without the prefix. The case of the name may also be changed, based on the contents of the pTagCase parameter.


Parameter Description
pColumnName A string containing a field name. If the fieldname contains a pipe character (|) then that character, and everything after that character are removed
pTagCase One of rf:CaseUpper, rf:CaseLower or rf:CaseAsIs.

Return Value

The adjusted name. If the StringTheory form of the procedure is called then nothing is returned, but the pColumnName parameter is changed.



See Also




AssignStringPtr(*? pField,String pValue)
AssignCStringPtr(*? pField,String pValue)
AssignPStringPtr(*? pField,String pValue)
AssignStringtheoryPtr(*? pField,String pValue)

AssignStringPtr(*? pField,StringTheory pValue)
AssignCStringPtr(*? pField,StringTheory pValue)
AssignPStringPtr(*? pField,StringTheory pValue)
AssignStringtheoryPtr(*? pField,StringTheory pValue)


Helper functions. These assist with assigning a value to a field in a structure, where that field is a pointer to a string or stringtheory type.
Typically the first parameter is an ANY field, which is set using a call to WHAT, and you want to assign something into that field.


Parameter Description
pField An ANY reference to the field to be set. This field is of the appropriate pointer type (as specified in the method name).
If the field is currently NULL, then a new value will be created.
pValue The value to assign into the field.

Return Value



See Also

ReadStringPtr / ReadCStringPtr / ReadPStringPtr / ReadStringTheoryPtr



CleanFieldName(*StringTheory pFieldName)


Takes in a StringTheory object containing an Extended Name , and removes everything from the first pipe onwards. If the name contains a prefix (designated by a :) then it is removed.


Parameter Description
pFieldName The extended name of a field, as might be returned by the WHO command.

Return Value

Nothing. The passed StringTheory object is adjusted to contain the clean field name, without the attributes or prefix.



See Also

GetField, GetFieldName, GetFieldNumber, GetFieldValue



ClearAttribute(*Cstring pGroupName, String pAttribute)


Deletes an attribute from all fields in the group.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pAttribute The name of the attribute to delete.

Return Value




See Also

SetAttribute, GetAttributeExists, GetAttributeValue, DeleteAttribute, SetAttributes , ClearAttribute .



ClearGroup(*Cstring pGroupName, *Group pGroup)
ClearGroup(*Group pGroup)


Clears all the fields in a group structure. Pointer fields are NOT cleared. StringTheory Objects are FREE'd. Queue References are FREE'd. Pointers to strings are set back to blank strings. This method can only be used after the Group structure has been parsed.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pGroup The group structure.

Return Value




See Also

DisposeGroup, DisposeQueue, ClearGroup, ClearQueue, ClearTable, Parse .



ClearQueue(*Cstring pGroupName, *Queue pQueue)
ClearQueue(*Queue pQueue)


Clears all the fields in a queue structure.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pQueue The Queue structure

Return Value




See Also

DisposeGroup, DisposeQueue, ClearGroup, ClearQueue, ClearTable, Parse .



ClearTable(*Cstring pGroupName, *FILE pTable)


Clears the record buffer for the table. If the table is OPEN then any MEMO and BLOB fields are cleared as well.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pTable The table to be cleared.

Return Value




See Also

DisposeGroup, DisposeQueue, ClearGroup, ClearQueue, ClearTable, Parse .



CountFieldsInGroup(*Group pGroup)


Counts the number of fields inside a GROUP structure.


Parameter Description
pGroup The group to count the fields in.

Return Value

Long. The number of fields in a group


ax = reflection.CountFieldsInGroup(Cus:Record)

See Also



DeleteAttribute(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, String pAttribute)


Deletes an attribute from a field.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the column. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pAttribute The name of the attribute to delete.

Return Value




See Also

SetAttribute, GetAttributeExists, GetAttributeValue, DeleteAttribute, SetAttributes , ClearAttribute .



DisposeGroup(*Group pGroup,Long pDispose=false)


Checks a group for any string pointer, stringtheory, queue fields and follows any queue references, freeing memory as needed.


Parameter Description
pGroup The group to check.
pDispose Set to true if the passed in Group should be disposed as well. False by default.

Return Value




See Also

DisposeGroup, DisposeQueue, ClearGroup, ClearQueue, ClearTable .



FixCreate(*File pTable)


Removes any ExternalNameAttributes from the prop:name of each field in a table. This should be called before calling the CREATE statement on a table. This only affects the prop:name of each field, not the WHO of the field, so parsing the structure is unaffected by this call.

Only the table structure on this thread is altered - the table structure on other threads is not altered.


Parameter Description
pTable the table to adjust, before calling Create.

Return Value




See Also



GetAnySize(*? pField )


Uses the (undocumented) TUFO interface to get the size of a field.


Parameter Description
pField Any field

Return Value

The SIZE of the field.


l = reflection.GetAnySize(someString)

See Also




GetAnyType(*? pField )


Uses the (undocumented) TUFO interface to get the type of a field.


Parameter Description
pField Any field

Return Value

The rf:whatever type equate for the field.


t = reflection.GetAnyType(someField)

See Also

GetAnySize .



DisposeQueue(*Queue pQueue,Long pDispose=false)


Checks a queue for any string pointer, StringTheory, queue fields and follows any queue references, freeing memory as needed. The Queue is FREE'd and (optionally) disposed as well.


Parameter Description
pQueue The queue to dispose
pDispose Set to true if the passed in queue should be disposed as well. False by default.

Return Value




See Also

DisposeGroup, DisposeQueue, ClearGroup, ClearQueue, ClearTable .



GetAttributeExists(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, String pAttribute)
GetAttributeExists(String pAttribute)


Checks to see if an attribute exists for the column. Use the short form only when the queues are already loaded with With.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the column. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pAttribute The name of the attribute to get.

Return Value

The method returns rf:ok if the attribute exists or rf:notok if it does not exist.


If reflection.GetAttributeExists(groupname,columnname,'binary') = rf:ok
  ! do something

See Also

SetAttribute, GetAttributeValue, DeleteAttribute, SetAttributes .



GetAttributeValue(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, String pAttribute)




Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the column. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pAttribute The name of the attribute to get.

Return Value

If the attribute is a simple one then the method returns rf:ok if the attribute exists or rf:notok if it does not exist. If the attribute is of the form attribute(value) then the value is returned as a string.


If reflection.GetAttribute(groupname,columnname,'binary') = rf:ok
! do something

See Also

SetAttribute, GetAttributeExists, DeleteAttribute, SetAttributes .


GetColumnName [1]

GetColumnName(*Group pGroup,Long pIndex)
GetColumnName(*Queue pQueue,Long pIndex)
GetColumnName(*Table pTable,Long pIndex)


Gets the column name for a field at a specific place in the structure. Useful for all the methods that take a group name, and a column name.


Parameter Description
The structure to reflect.
pIndex The number of the field inside that structure. (This is not necessarily the same number returned by GetNumber)

Return Value

A string containing the column name of that field.


columnName = reflection.GetColumnName(Customers,3)

See Also

GetColumnName [2] .


GetColumnName [2]

GetColumnName(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pTagName)


Returns the ColumnName of the structure, based on the Rename attribute (which matches the tagname in the external structure, xml, json, etc.)


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pTagName The external tagname, as specified in the rename() or specific rename attribute. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.

Return Value

The column name of the field. This name can then be used in all the other methods that take a group name and a column name.


See Also

GetColumnName [1] .



GetDescription(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName)


Gets the description value for a field.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the column. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.

Return Value

The contents of the field's description, as set by an earlier call to SetDescription.


See Also

GetField, GetFieldName, GetFieldNumber, GetFieldValue , SetDescription .



GetField(Group pGroup,String pColumnName)


A utility method for making it easier to write code against generic structures. Returns an ANY variable which points to the specific field as named. Does not reference the parsed group list, so can be called without parsing.


Parameter Description
pGroup A Group, or Queue structure.
pColumnName The name of the column.

Return Value

An ANY Long containing a pointer to the field. May be NULL.


color  Group
red      byte
green    byte
blue     byte

a  ANY
  a &= reflection.GetField(color,'green')

See Also

GetField, GetFieldName, GetFieldNumber, GetFieldValue .



GetFieldName(Group pGroup,Long pFieldNumber, Long pCase=self.TagCase)


A utility method for making it easier to write code against generic structures. Returns the clean name of the field. This is the name before the first pipe symbol, and with the prefix removed. The case is adjusted using the pCase parameter. Does not reference the parsed group list, so can be called without parsing.


Parameter Description
pGroup A Group, or Queue structure.
pFieldNumber The number of the field inside the group.
pCase One of rf:CaseAsIs, rf:CaseUpper, rf:CaseLower, rf:CaseAny. If omitted then the current value in the TagCase property is used.

Return Value

A String containing the clean name.


color  Group
red      byte
green    byte,name('Green | @n3)
blue     byte
s      String(100)
  s = relection.GetFieldName(color,2)
! returns Green

See Also

GetField, GetFieldName, GetFieldNumber, GetFieldValue , SetTagCase, CleanFieldName



GetFieldNumber(Group pGroup,String pColumnName)


A utility method for making it easier to write code against generic structures. Returns a LONG variable which points to the specific field as named. Does not reference the parsed group list, so can be called without parsing.


Parameter Description
pGroup A Group, or Queue structure.
pColumnName The name of the column.This parameter is case insensitive.

Return Value

A Long containing the number of the field inside the group.


color  Group
red      byte
green    byte
blue     byte
x      Long
  x = relection.GetFieldNumber(color,'Green')
! returns 2

See Also

GetField, GetFieldName, GetFieldNumber, GetFieldValue .



GetFieldValue(Group pGroup,String pColumnName)


A utility method for making it easier to write code against generic structures. Returns a clipped string containing the value of the field in the group. Does not reference the parsed group list, so can be called without parsing.


Parameter Description
pGroup A Group, or Queue structure.
pColumnName The name of the column.

Return Value

An ANY Long containing a pointer to the field. May be NULL.


color  Group
red      byte
green    byte
blue     byte
x      byte
  code = 100
  x = relection.GetFieldValue(color,'Green')
! returns 100

See Also

GetField, GetFieldName, GetFieldNumber, GetFieldValue .



GetNumber(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName)


Returns the FieldNumber for a column. This is nominally the location of the field in the structure (although technically it could be any number.) This works on the FieldsQueue, so relies on the structure already being PARSEd.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the column. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.

Return Value

A Long containing the field number.


x = relection.GetNumber(GroupName,ColumnName)

See Also

GetNumber, SetNumber, GetColumnName, Parse



GetPicture(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName)


Gets the picture attribute for a column.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the column. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.

Return Value

A string containing the picture attribute for the field. If no picture attribute is set, then a blank string is returned.


pic = reflection.GetPicture(GroupName,ColumnName)

See Also

GetPicture, GetRename, GetType, SetPicture, SetRename, SetType .



GetRename(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName)


Returns the Rename attribute for a field. If the Tag property is set when the structure is parsed, then this returns the contents of the tag property. If that is not set then it returns the rename property.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the column. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.

Return Value

A string containing the <tag> attribute or the rename attribute.


s = reflection.GetRename(groupname,columnname)

See Also

GetPicture, GetRename, GetType, SetPicture, SetRename, SetType, The Naming of Things .





Gets the value of the TagCase property. The default value for the property is rf:CaseAsIs

Return Value

A BYTE equate. One of rf:CaseAsIs, rf:CaseUpper, rf:CaseLower, rf:CaseAny.


x = reflection.GetTagCase()

See Also




GetType(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName)


Gets the field type (as set in the extended attributes).


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the column. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.

Return Value

A LONG equate. See Supported Field Types.


x = reflection.GetType(GroupName,ColumnName)

See Also

GetPicture, GetRename, GetType, SetPicture, SetRename, SetType, Supported Field Types .



Parse(String pGroupName, *Group pGroup)
Parse(*Group pGroup)

Parse(String pGroupName,*Queue pQueue)
Parse(*Queue pQueue)

Parse(String pGroupName,*File pTable)
Parse(*File pTable)

Parse(String pGroupName,*View pView)
Parse(*View pView)


Parses a structure.


Parameter Description
pGroupName A string name which identifies the structure. This will be used when querying the object. If this parameter is omitted then the name will be set to group, queue, file, and view respectively. 
pGroup, pQueue, pTable, pView The Structure which will be parsed.


This parses all the extended attributes for the structure.

Additional attributes, or changing an attribute, can be done after calling Parse by using one of the SET methods.

The values of one or more attributes can be obtained using the GET methods.

Return Value




See Also



ParseField(*Cstring pGroupName,StringTheory pExternalName)


Takes in a single field, and a set of attributes. Parses them as-if the field was in a group, and the attributes were attached to the field. Useful for dealing with stand-alone fields.


Parameter Description
pGroupName A collective name for the single fields.
pExternalName A pipe-delimited string containing the attributes for the field.

Return Value

A String containing the column name. (The Column name being extracted from the pExternalName.)


  tag = reflection.ParseField('singles','Date | @d6')

See Also




ReadStringPtr(*? pField)
ReadCStringPtr(*? pField)
ReadPStringPtr(*? pField)
ReadStringTheoryPtr(*? pField)


Helper functions. These assist with reading the value in a field in a structure, where that field is a pointer to a string or stringtheory type.
Typically the first parameter is an ANY field, which is set using a call to WHAT, and you want to assign something into that field.


Parameter Description
pField An ANY reference to the field to be read. This field is of the appropriate pointer type (as specified in the method name). If the pointer is null, then a blank string is returned.

Return Value

A string containing the value.


See Also

AssignStringPtr / AssignCStringPtr / AssignPStringPtr / AssignStringTheoryPtr , ReadStringPtr / ReadCStringPtr / ReadPStringPtr / ReadStringTheoryPtr .



ReadStringPtrLength(*? pField)
ReadCStringPtrLength(*? pField)
ReadPStringPtrLength(*? pField)
ReadStringTheoryPtrLength(*? pField)


Helper functions. These assist with reading the length of a field in a structure, where that field is a pointer to a string or stringtheory type.
Typically the first parameter is an ANY field, which is set using a call to WHAT, and you want to assign something into that field.


Parameter Description
pField An ANY reference to the field to be read. This field is of the appropriate pointer type (as specified in the method name). If the pointer is null, then a length of 0 is returned.

Return Value

A long containing the length of the string (in bytes, not characters).


See Also

AssignStringPtr / AssignCStringPtr / AssignPStringPtr / AssignStringTheoryPtr, ReadStringPtr / ReadCStringPtr / ReadPStringPtr /ReadStringTheoryPtr .



SetAttributes(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, StringTheory pExternalName)
SetAttributes(String pGroupName,String pColumnName, String pExternalName)


Takes a pipe-separated string (as returned by the WHO command) and parses out all the attributes in the string, setting them for the column.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure.
pColumnName The name of the field.
pExternalName A pipe-delimited string of attributes - as might be returned by the WHO command, or as might be set in the program code.

Return Value



str.SetValue('somename | @D6')

See Also

SetAttribute, GetAttributeExists, GetAttributeValue, DeleteAttribute, SetAttributes .



SetAttribute(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, String pAttribute)
SetAttribute(String pGroupName,String pColumnName, String pAttribute)


Sets an attribute for a column. Using this method directly allows attributes to be added for fields in structures, where they can't be added to the structure directly as an extended name attribute. It also allows for an extended name attribute to be overridden.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure.
pColumnName The name of the field.
pAttribute The name of the attribute. If the attribute is of the form attribute(value) then include the value, and brackets, in this parameter.

Return Value




See Also

SetAttribute, GetAttributeExists, GetAttributeValue, DeleteAttribute, SetAttributes .



SetDescription(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, String pDescription)
SetDescription(String pGroupName,String pColumnName, String pDescription)


Sets the description for a specific column.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure.
pColumnName The name of the field.
pDescription A description to use for the column.

Return Value




See Also

GetPicture, GetRename, GetType, SetPicture, SetRename, SetType , GetDescription.



SetNumber(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, Long pColumnNumber)


Sets the number for a specific column. This is usually the position of the field in the structure, but this method could be used to override that number. However this is not recommended.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the field. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnNumber A number to use for the column.

Return Value




See Also

GetNumber, SetNumber .



SetPicture(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, String pPicture)
SetPicture(String pGroupName,String pColumnName, String pPicture)


Sets the picture for a specific column.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure.
pColumnName The name of the field.
pPicture A format picture to use for the column.

Return Value




See Also

GetPicture, GetRename, GetType, SetPicture, SetRename, SetType .



SetRename(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, String pRename)


Sets the Rename attribute for a specific column.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the field. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pRename The value to use for the Rename attribute of the field.

Return Value




See Also

GetPicture, GetRename, GetType, SetPicture, SetRename, SetType .



SetTagCase(Byte pCase)


Sets the TagCase for the object.


Parameter Description
pCase One of rf:CaseAsIs, rf:CaseUpper, rf:CaseLower, rf:CaseAny. The default value is rf:CaseAsIs.

Return Value




See Also




SetType(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, Long pFieldType)
SetType(String pGroupName,String pColumnName, Long pFieldType)


Sets the specific Type attribute for a column.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the field. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pFieldType An equate, taken from the list of Supported Field Types which best describes the field.

Return Value




See Also

GetPicture, GetRename, GetType, SetPicture, SetRename, SetType, Supported Field Types .





Returns the object to a virgin state, as if it has never been used.

Return Value




See Also



TableFieldToColumn(FILE pTable,String pLabel )


Given a table label (including prefix), returns the Column name for that field.


Parameter Description
pTable The Table
pLabel The label of a field in the table (including prefix)

Return Value

String containing the column name (as set by the external name.) If not set then the label, (possibly minus the prefix, if RemovePrefix is set, and adjusted to the TagCase) is returned.


Column = reflection.TableFieldToColumn(Customers,'cus:Name') ! returns say, Name

See Also




Trace(string pStr)


Sends a string to the Windows Debug Output, where it can be monitored using Debugview. Useful when debugging the class.


Parameter Description
pStr The String to send to Debugview. The string will be prepended with the identifier [guts]

Return Value



Self.Trace('Hello World')

See Also

Walk .




A debugging method which sends the contents of the GroupsQueue and FieldsQueue properties to debugview. This can be helpful in understanding what the parser discovered when it parsed a structure, and will also help to identify specific group names and column names.

Return Value

Nothing. Output is to Debugview.



See Also




With(*Cstring pGroupName,*Cstring pColumnName, Long pCreate=true)
With(*Cstring pGroupName)


Long form fetches a row from the FieldsQueue property, which matches the GroupName and ColumnName. (Does not load the GroupsQueue property.)
Short form fetches a row from the GroupsQueue property which matches the GroupName.


Parameter Description
pGroupName The GroupName parameter as previously passed to the Parse procedure. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pColumnName The name of the field. This has to be set in a CSTRING variable, and passed as a CSTRING variable.
pCreate If the record is not found, and this field is set to true (the default) then the row is added to the FieldsQueue.

Return Value

rf:ok if the row is found, rf:notok if it is not.



See Also

Version History

1.28 - 8 April 2024
1.27 - 7 November 2023
1.26 - 25 October 2023
1.25 - 10 August 2023
1.24 - 20 September 2023
1.23 - 26 July 2023
1.22 - 26 June 2023
1.21 - 19 June 2023
1.20 - 31 May 2023
1.19 - 23 May 2023
1.18 - 5 April 2023
1.17 - 20 February 2022
1.16 - 27 January 2022
1.15 - 26 January 2022
1.14 - 3 October 2022
1.13 - 17 September 2022
1.12 - 6 September 2022
1.11 - 22 August 2022
1.10 - 16 August 2022
1.02 - 19 November 2021
1.01 - 15 November 2021
1.00 - 5 November 2021