To view the History file, proceed as follows:
Select the View History option
from the Tools drop down menu.

The Message
History window provides the following:
A list of all messages received and sent
and the details of each.
Message type options (click on the headings
at the top of the window) to select which messages are to be viewed.
button that enables you to open and view
a selected message.

a single message that has been selected and highlighted or Bulk
Delete messages that are older than a particular date.

The Send
To button. This allows you to send the history list to a printer,
email or file. A number of file formats are supported, including PDF,
HTML, Microsoft Excel ®, Microsoft Word ® and CSV (Comma separated
fields in a text file). Please note that Microsoft Word and Excel
both require Microsoft Office ® 2000 or newer.*

The Re-Activate
button. This allows you to re-activate a message that you have marked
as done, to mark it as "unread" so that it displays in the
main windows again. This does the opposite of pressing the Done button
on the main window (which marks a message as "read").
* Microsoft, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel are
register trademarks ® of Microsoft Corporation.